Great Swamp Conservancy Inc.

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The GSC's Purpose

The Great Swamp Conservancy Inc. (GSC) is a non-profit, tax exempt corporation under section 501(a) of the Internal Revenue Code as an organization described in Section 501(c) 3 as being a publicly supported organization described in sections 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). Donations are Tax Deductible.

The GSC's purpose is to foster environmental education, to preserve biological diversity and to conserve and manage natural resources in the Oneida Lake and Lake Ontario Watersheds. The primary focus area of the GSC includes approximately 36,000 acres on the south eastern shore of Oneida Lake in the towns of Lenox and Sullivan. This area is home to what the Iroquois called the Great Swamp, a remnant of Lake Iroquois.

The Great Swamp was drained for agriculture from late 1800's to the mid 1900's creating rich black muck soils. The GSC's driving force has been to return a portion of these wetlands back to their original state through partnerships with landowners, local,  state,and federal  governmental agencies.


Our Board of Directors

Kevin Bliss, Marilyn "Rusty" Patane, Michael J. Patane, Joan Blaisdell, Ron Blaisdell,  Fred Zufelt, Julie Valesky, Alyssia Warner, Tom Lenweaver





Michael J Patane       Exec. Director/Pres.

Tom Lenweaver         Vice President

Fred Zufelt                  Treasurer

Rusty Patane              Secretary