Great Swamp Conservancy Inc.


About Us
Upcoming Events
Volunteer Project Page
Bobwhite Quail Restoration
Parts of the GSC
What's New?
Recent Accomplishments
Getting Involved
Contact Us
Partners & Sponsors

Think Globally - Act Locally
Since its incorporation in 1997, the Great Swamp Conservancy has expanded its goals and horizons.  We have and are making valuable local, state and national partnership to help assist in the planning and development of the Canastota Muckland Project.  Your ideas and opinions are welcomed and needed for our projects to be successful for both humans and wildlife.
     Please join the GSC and help preserve our natural resources, history, and local economy. All it takes is people who care about the enviorment and want to do something to help. 
Be Active and Join the Fun
The Great Swamp Conservancy supports the community in many ways including:
  • Educating landowners, members, and the public to the values of wetlands and wildlife
  • Working with the NRCS and FWS to bring federal dollars into our area
  • Opening up land to the public for nature related recreation and scientific research
  • Sponsoring and hosting community events at the GSC Nature Center
  • Presenting educational programs at elementary and secondary schools and colleges
  • Restoring wetlands in areas that had been drained but no longer used for agriculture 
  • Preserving wetlands and wildlife for future generations
Members receive our newsletter, "The Marshlander", which is written and produced by the GSC, as well as discounts at the events with a fee.
                                                               Student & Seniors(52+)      $10 
                                                                Individual                              $15 
                                                                Family                                  $20                                            
                                                            Conservation                      $100
                                                            Corporate                           $200
         or: Your  $____ Contribution
(tax deductible)
Make Checks payable to:
The Great Swamp Conservancy, Inc.
and mail to:
8375 N. Main St.
Canastota, NY 13032
Be sure to include your name, address,
telephone number and email address.