Great Swamp Conservancy Inc.

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March 2009 Accomplishments:

March 21:
Our 2nd Membership Meeting of the year.  Peter Cann spoke about Green Energy.  We had a good turn out and even some new faces!

February 2009 Accomplishments:

February 21:
Winter Hibernation! What a great turn out! Even the Reindeer had fun!!!! 


February 10-18th:
More Progress has been made on the "finishing" of the upstairs. 

February 7th: Birds N' Bagels
A variety of people came to enjoy bird watching, good company and breakfast at the GSC. Thanks to all who attended.


January 2009 Accomplishments

January 17: Special Olympics Regional Competition
Madison County Special Olympics  practiced their snowshoeing and skiing for a few weeks at the GSC, and then on the 17th they had the Regional Competition.  It was a great day of activities and spirit!
A big thanks to Keith "Bubba" Haas for organizing the whole thing

Snowshoe racing!
Chauncy and Amy

January 11: We hosted our Annual Board Meeting of 2009, which was also our first general membership meeting of the year.  Sal Sgroi presented a show of "Photo's Through National Parks" which was excellent and informative.  To see Sal and Fay's work, visit their web blog at

January 4th: Meeting with Nickcole Evans from  Central New York Chapter of Air & Waste Management Association.  Received a $500 Grant for the building and replacement of five kiosks. 

Nickcole and Director, Michael J. Patane

January: Continuation of the work by Building and Grounds comittee,  on the insulation and completion of the upstairs of the Nature Center.