Great Swamp Conservancy Inc.

Bobwhite Quail Restoration
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Adopt- a- Quail Program


Great Swamp Conservancy’s “Adopt-a-Quail” program has been established to help fund its continuing efforts to the Bobwhite Quail rearing
program for the upcoming year. All proceeds are for the sole purpose of helping
in the conservancy’s efforts in implementing an intensive quail habitat and management program. Previous years’ efforts have successfully proven that the
program is working as more birds are seen from previous years in the habitat area and on the trail system.
The “Adopt-a-Quail” program is the first-of-its-kind conservation initiative in Central New York to improve quail densities. The conservancy’s quest to restore Bobwhite Quail habitat in CNY will serve to provide an increase in quail populations, while educating and inspiring a conservation ethic among students and members.
Through this and other programs, the conservancy aims to provide members and
especially students with hands-on experience with nature and teach them to
identify plant and animal species, as well as assist with healthy quail habitats. Habitat improvements and quail-friendly habitat management that
improve quail populations will also benefit most groups of songbirds, including the Eastern Bluebird, the official state bird of New York.Good quail habitat requires a mix of brush and shrubs, bare ground, and waist high grasses and weeds.
“We really want people to come by and take a look at what we’ve been doing here” says Mike Patane, conservancy president. “As a rule, you’re going to lose a majority of your birds, that’s the way nature works - especially due to our severe winters. We are, however, encouraged by continual reports from people who
are seeing quail in and around our focus area, which proves previous year’s efforts have been paying off.”

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